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ELMA Flight Foundation Frequently Asked Questions


What is the ELMA Flight Foundation?

The foundation is a community based non‐profit dedicated to provide support for every student’s success in school and life. The foundation was started by local community members who are passionate about changing our community by changing the lives of our students.


What is the mission of the foundation?

Our mission is to partner with our schools, families and community to ensure every student has access to the

support they need to be successful from the time they enter school, through gradation and even beyond as they

transition to life post‐graduation. We want to empower our students by equipping them with the tools for success throughout their entire lives.


What types of supports do students need to be successful?

The interventions struggling students need are not found within the federal, state or local school budget allocations. They are not funded within “basic” education, and yet, ironically they are the interventions most basic to education and life—reading glasses, warm clothing, school supplies, mentorships, scholarships for trade school or college, a bus pass for transportation to a job, incentives to promote attendance‐‐these may seem basic, and yet these are some of the many basics that go unfunded and sadly, often unmet.


What students will receive help from the foundation?

Students receiving benefits from the foundation will not be limited by income‐‐any student can be supported because every student can struggle in some capacity. School and life set‐backs are not limited to certain

demographics; barriers to success can   inder anyone and everyone.


How can others join this effort?

The Elma Flight Foundation Overview highlights in more detail the need, purpose and provisions needed for this


fund. It also outlines financial sponsorships for individuals, businesses or organizations and includes an introduction to the governing board of directors.


Our Take Flight Gala on April 21st will be our primary funding source. We are seeking Partner Sponsorships and look forward to an exciting night of generosity and support for our youth!


We invite you to be part of an exhilarating adventure and flight‐ one that will change lives, now and far into the future! Your contribution in any amount will make a difference!


Where can I find more information?

Visit us on our ELMA Flight Foundation Facebook page, email us at or contact any of our board of directors.

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